post production

Hyper-Realistic 3D Cars by Zoki Nanco

Sep 7 2018

We're pleased to introduce Zoki Nanco – one of the most talented digital artists with a focus on cars. His style is infused with unbelievable amount of attention to detail and his main goal is realism. Let's dig in!

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SRT-8 caught overtaking a truck somewhere in Alps HD wallpaper

Daily Wallpaper Somewhere in Alps... Feat. SRT-8

Aug 29 2014

SRT-8 caught overtaking a truck somewhere in Alps HD wallpaper

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Stunning Automotive Photography by Nigel Harniman

25 Years of Stunning Automotive Photography by Nigel Harniman [29 Pics]

Feb 16 2014

Meet Nigel Harniman – an experienced, award-winning automotive photographer with unique style and approach.

2014 marks a 25th anniversary of Harniman Photography (Nigel's studio) and this post pays tribute to some of his best work. Enjoy!

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