
Disney's incredible mechanical character animation [Video]

Jun 23 2014

Disney has developed a very cool system that allows non-expert users to create very realistic mechanical character animation. See the video for more!

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Bahnhof's Data Center in Sweden Bunker

Data Center Inside of a Former Cold War Bunker [11 Pics]

May 8 2013

We have seen many cool data-centers and offices before, but Bahnhof's takes the cake. Built at a depth of 30m (98ft) below the surface of the White Mountains in Stockholm, Sweden.

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The Anatomy of Stuxnet Virus [Video]

Oct 15 2012

Stuxnet is a highly sophisticated computer worm. It is believed that it was put together by a large team of coders and backed by a large entity (allegedly USA and Israel). Kaspersky Labs have estimated the virus could have taken up to 6 months to make due to its complexity. This worm can shut down oil rigs and nuclear power plants without anyone knowing about it. What's even more frightening is that it's open source (aka available for free download).

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“Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.”

Aug 30 2012

Bill Gates, an American business magnate, computer programmer and philanthropist. Gates is the former chief executive and current chairman of Microsoft.

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22 Rare Historical Photos

Jul 6 2012

Take a look at this collection of rare photos that is sure to blow you away!

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PC wallpaper high resolution blue screen of death

Daily Wallpaper Blue Screen of Death

May 24 2012

PC wallpaper high resolution blue screen of death

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