
Car Crash Compilation: Russia [Video]

Oct 2 2012

After watching videos like these all I have to say is: pay more attention to the road and slow down! Some of these are so avoidable. Note: video contains some swearing (in Russian), in case you decide to watch this full blast at work. :)

P.S. Watch in HD

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How to Change Your Tire While Driving [Video]

Jun 30 2012

Why are we not surprised this was filmed in Saudi Arabia? This is just ridiculous!

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PC wallpaper high resolution blue screen of death

Daily Wallpaper Blue Screen of Death

May 24 2012

PC wallpaper high resolution blue screen of death

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13,621 downloads so far!

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Perfectly Timed Street Photography

Mar 1 2012

Photographer Matt Stuart captures these hilarious and wonderfully timed photographs with his Lecia camera, a keen eye, and a whole lot of patience.

It's all about being at the right place and right time.

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How to Parallel Park in a Tight Spot

Dec 21 2011

Check out this guy trying to squeeze into a spot that's clearly too small for his large sedan, while hitting other vehicles parked around him.

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Car Jump Miscalculation that Nearly Results in Death

Aug 8 2011

Not sure where this dare devil is from, but his math skills can't be that great. Check out how this stunt ends badly.

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