The Dreamland Series Intro [Video]
Aug 6 2013
Among the most influential skateboarders the industry has ever seen, Bob Burnquist is still innovating. In his new webisode series, Burnquist grants his fans exclusive access to his backyard in Southern California, better known as "Dreamland." Hence, "The Dreamland Series." Watching this seems like playing one of the Tony Hawk games. Enjoy!
3D Projection Mapping promoting "The Tourist" in Dallas
Jul 26 2013
This building projection was put together to promote the new movie "The Tourist", starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.
The Joule Hotel in downtown Dallas hosted a party with this 3D architectural mapping projection art show; it was projected on the Praetorian Building at 1607 Main Street. The size of the projection was 80' x 80'. All content was created by Jack Hattingh and Alan Demafiles from Monster Media 3D. Enjoy!
Lord of the Rings: Forced Perspective Filming
Jul 19 2013
Lord of the Rings had to get creative when using forced perspective to film hobbits, moving cameras gave it away.
First Human-Powered Helicoter
Jul 12 2013
At 3.3m and 64.1 seconds, AeroVelo has taken the 33-year-old competition prize of $250,000 that was established by Sikorsky in 1980.
Steve Carell - Anchorman Audition
Jun 16 2013
This has got to be the reason why Steve got the role in Anchorman... Hilarious!
Spacedrum by Yuki Koshimoto
Jun 11 2013
A different take on what drumming could look and sound like. Follow Yuki on her Facebook page.
Original Bike Tricks from Tim Knoll
May 31 2013
This is on-par – if not better – with the most creative riding that I've seen to date! No words necessary, just have a look...
Scary Landslide in Malaysia
May 18 2013
This is definitely a great addition to our collection of natural disasters, and somewhat reminds me of the biggest glacier collapse ever recorded on film. Truly mind-blowing!
Amazing Base-Jumping in Malaysia [Video]
May 2 2013
Skydiving is not something easily beat in terms of an adrenaline rush... but I think being in a middle of a metropolis while chucking yourself off of a tower sounds even more fun!
Water in Space is Just Cool [Video]
Apr 18 2013
CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield performed a simple science experiment designed by grade 10 Lockview High School students Kendra Lemke and Meredith Faulkner. The students from Fall River, Nova Scotia won a national science contest held by the Canadian Space Agency with their experiment on surface tension in space using a wet washcloth.
Freighter Caught in a Heavy Storm [Video]
Apr 16 2013
All I have to say is WOW! Wait until the 0:12 second mark of the video and look at how much flex the freighter really has!
Everyone Comes Together by Discovery [Video]
Apr 11 2013
One of the best promotional videos out there. Discovery channel needs to do more of this!
Motorcycle Gymkhana [Video]
Apr 5 2013
Mad skills! Imagine how much power is in that bike to be able to pick up speed like that. Rider: Jorian Ponomareff.
Hummingbird Slow Motion HD [Video]
Apr 4 2013
It is amazing to see the amount of work these birds do to stay afloat. Video by Bruce Douglas Johnson using RED Epic-M, 225fps, Canon 16-35mm, 70-200mm.
Crow Intelligence [Video]
Apr 3 2013
An interesting multi-step action test that showcases the bird's ability to make complicated decisions and actions in order to get the food.