
Faces and patters in day to day life

There are Faces Everywhere! [20 Pics]

Jul 12 2012

It's pretty awesome when we notice these things around us. Sometimes its even funny to see!

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Unreal Stop-Motion Video by PES

Jul 10 2012

This is so creative that it blows my mind. It was created way back in 2009 and won the #2 Viral Video of the Year Award at the Sundance Film Festival.

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Lucky Captures of the Google Street View Van

Crazy Photos Taken by the Google Van [22 Pics]

Jun 23 2012

It's pretty cool when you spot yourself on Google Maps Street View... but it's even cooler when you find completely random and bizarre captures. Check out Jon Rafman's website for hundreds more.

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Bug Memorial

Miniature Memorials for Fallen Insects [4 Pics]

Jun 19 2012

Bug Memorials, by Carmichael Collective, are tiny tributes to fallen insects.

“We live in this world where we feel like it’s big news if Kim Kardashian changes her pants, so why in that same world can’t we take a moment to acknowledge the death of a moth” – Dave Damman.

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World's Stupidest Competition

Jun 11 2012

Its called Gloucester Cheese Rolling and apparently this madness happens every year too – these people are crazy! Video by Maximilien Czech.

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Balloon explodes after being lit

The Best Animated GIF Images Pt.6 [15 Pics]

Jun 11 2012

Another round up of animated GIF images. 'Like' and share!

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Right Moment Photography Epic

Epic Photos Taken at the Right Moment [13 Pics]

Jun 1 2012

The timing on these is bang on! I wonder how many of these were coincidences and which ones were planned?

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“When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him”

May 30 2012

Thomas Szasz.

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Wrestling like a boss

The Best Animated GIF Images Pt.5 [17 Pics]

May 28 2012

Another round up of animated GIF images. 'Like' and share!

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Amazing airplane flyby gif

The Best Animated GIF Images Pt.4 [17 Pics]

May 21 2012

Lots of funny ones this time too. Enjoy!

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Art that has many meanings

Art that Speaks a Thousand Words [36 Pics]

May 18 2012

Pawel Kuczynski is an extremely talented Polish artist that specializes in satirical art. It is fantastic how much meaning each one of these images has without the use of any words.

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Fast Food Mafia Andrew Shirey

Daily Wallpaper Fast Food Mafia

May 16 2012

Fast Food Mafia Andrew Shirey

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Cool Snowboarding Urban

The Best Animated GIF Images Pt.3 [15 Pics]

May 12 2012

The next installment of the best animated GIF images that we found on the web. Make sure to check out our previous animated GIF posts and share with your friends!

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Daily Wallpaper Old School Google

Apr 6 2012

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Can You Guess These Cartoon Characters?

Apr 6 2012

Our brains are some kind of amazing, I tell you! Just by seeing a simple colour combination, it can sort out what it resembles in real life. This was a print campaign done by a German ad agency Jung von Matt.

Take these super simple LEGO creations, for example – one look at most of them, and you will be able to tell what they represent. Good job brain!

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