
Daily Wallpaper Osprey V22 Caught In-Action

Oct 23 2011

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Abandoned Aircraft Cemetery

Not Your Average View From Your Apartment's Windows

Oct 19 2011

This airplane and helicopter graveyard was once the central airport of Moscow. This airport has a lot of history – on May 9, 1945 an airplane landed here with documents stating the surrender of Nazi Germany.

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A Frosty Winter Day: SU-27

Oct 13 2011

An amazing picture of a Soviet / Russian Sukhoi SU-27 'Flanker' flying over the frozen, vast lands of Russia in a training exercise.

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Astonishing Aviation Photography

Oct 6 2011

Take a look at this amazing collection of photos taken by David Bracher of various aircraft from the many different eras of aviation. This is probably one of the best sets of aviation photos we have ever seen!

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A Stylish Table Created Using A Real Airplane Engine

Sep 26 2011

This piece of furniture comes with a lot of history and character. It was created using a U.S. Army Boeing Stearman PT-13 aircraft engine. It features a nice glass top to expose the true beauty of the beast that lies beneath it. A truly stunning piece of furniture!

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Epic Accidents

Extremely Strange and Funny Accidents

Sep 19 2011

Some REALLY weird accidents here. Sometimes it makes you wonder if those people bought their license.

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America's First Stealth Helicopter

Sep 9 2011

With a recent post about the crash of a new top secret US stealth helicopter, we have decided to dedicate a post to the first helicopter (also American) that utilized stealth technology - the Comanche.

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Marines Helicopter Illusion

Marines' Helicopter Camouflage

Sep 3 2011

US military has always been known for painting naked women on the noses of their aircraft (nose art), but this is definitely something new. See if you can see the shape in integrated into the camouflage of this US Marines helicopter.

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Facts You Didn’t Know About the SR-71 Blackbird

Aug 5 2011

During the late 1950's Cold War was at large, and USA was actively planning the construction of a top-secret aircraft that would soon replace the U-2. What came next was an airplane that would never become obsolete to this day – the Blackbird.

Read the amazing story about the most influential aircraft of the 20th century.

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Russian Military Training

Russian Army Training Exercise

Jul 14 2011

It is very impressive to see any sort of military training operations, however this is Russia we are talking about here. Check out how they practice with their vast amount of military equipment.

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Abandoned Nuclear Bombers

Abandoned Soviet Heavy Bomber Regiment

Jun 17 2011

Russia has many military installations, however before the break apart of the Soviet Union they had even a larger number in case of a nuclear war with the USA. This abandoned airfield should give you an idea of how much military equipment there was.

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MI24 Scratch Built Model

A Scratch Built Model Like No Other - Mil 24

Jun 16 2011

Fully scratch built, this model took just over 15 years (8000-10,000 hours) to complete. Begun in Kiev (Ukraine), in 1986 this masterpiece was profoundly difficult to construct due to the extreme scarcity of information on it. Be sure to click on photos for higher resolution versions.

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Luxury Jet Interior

High Class Private Jet Interior

May 24 2011

Photographer Nick Gerace has been doing aviation photography for the last 30 years, and now brings to us (owner is kept anonymous) this beautiful private jet interior. Look at the luxurious photos of this private jets' interior.

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America's Secret Stealth Helicopter Crash

May 24 2011

During a recent raid on Bin Laden's "fortress" was a huge success for Americans, however a super secret stealth helicopter was shot down and not recovered. Photos inside.

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Antonov 225 mriya

Antonov 225 'Mriya' Largest Airplane in the World

Apr 15 2011

The Antonov An-225 Mriya is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft, designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980s. It is the world's heaviest aircraft. The design, built in order to transport the Buran orbiter, was an enlargement of the successful An-124 Ruslan. The An-225's name, Mriya (Мрiя) means "Dream" (Inspiration) in Ukrainian.

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